The Apex Metadata API lets you make metadata changes directly from Apex. You can automate configuration changes and many steps like post-install can be done easily without any manual intervention.
Metadata access in Apex is available for Apex classes using API version 40.0 and later. Metadata.Operations class is used for the metadata operation.
What are the methods in Metadata.Operations class?
Retrieve and deploy metadata using the Metadata.Operations class.
clone() - Makes a duplicate copy of the Metadata.Operations.
enqueueDeployment(container, callback)
Deploys custom metadata components asynchronously.retrieve(type, fullNames)
Retrieves a list of custom metadata components.
Retrieve Metadata
Use the Metadata.Operations.retrieve() method to synchronously retrieve metadata from the current org. Provide a list of metadata component names that you want to retrieve. Salesforce returns a list of matching component data, represented by component classes that derive from Metadata.Metadata
retrieve(type, fullNames)
Type- Metadata.MetadataType
The metadata component type.
fullNames- List<String>
A list of component names to retrieve. For information on component name formats, see Metadata.fullName().
Return Value
Type: List<Metadata.Metadata>
public class UpdateContactPageLayout {
// Add custom field to page layout
public Metadata.Layout addLayoutItem() {
// Retrieve Contact layout and section
List<Metadata.Metadata> layoutsList = Metadata.Operations.retrieve(Metadata.MetadataType.Layout,
new List<String> {'Contact-Contact Layout'});
Metadata.Layout layoutMetadata = (Metadata.Layout) layoutsList.get(0);
Metadata.LayoutSection contactLayoutSection = null;
//List<Metadata.LayoutSection> contactLayoutSections = layoutMetadata.layoutSections;
for (Metadata.LayoutSection section : layoutMetadata.layoutSections) {
if (section.label == 'Additional Information') {
contactLayoutSection = section;
// Add the field under Additional Information section in the left column
List<Metadata.LayoutColumn> contactColumns = contactLayoutSection.layoutColumns;
List<Metadata.LayoutItem> contactLayoutItems = contactColumns.get(0).layoutItems;
// Create a new layout item for the custom field
Metadata.LayoutItem newField = new Metadata.LayoutItem();
newField.behavior = Metadata.UiBehavior.Edit;
newField.field = 'AMAPI__Apex_MD_API_Twitter_name__c';
return layoutMetadata;
Deploy Metadata
Use the Metadata.Operations.enqueueDeployment() method to asynchronously deploy metadata to the current org. Deployment is queued for asynchronous processing. When deploying metadata, you can create and update components, but not delete components.
enqueueDeployment(container, callback)
container: Metadata.DeployContainer (Container that contains the set of metadata components to deploy.)
callback: Metadata.DeployCallback (A class that implements the Metadata.DeployCallback interface. Used by Salesforce to return information about the deployment results.)
Return Value
Type: Id (ID of deployment request.)
public class CreateMetadata{
public void updateAndDeployMetadata() {
// Setup custom metadata to be created in the subscriber org.
Metadata.CustomMetadata customMetadata = new Metadata.CustomMetadata();
customMetadata.fullName = 'ISVNamespace__MetadataTypeName.MetadataRecordName';
Metadata.CustomMetadataValue customField = new Metadata.CustomMetadataValue();
customField.field = 'customField__c';
customField.value = 'New value';
Metadata.DeployContainer mdContainer = new Metadata.DeployContainer();
// Setup deploy callback, MyDeployCallback implements
// the Metadata.DeployCallback interface (code for
// this class not shown in this example)
MyDeployCallback callback = new MyDeployCallback();
// Enqueue custom metadata deployment
Id jobId = Metadata.Operations.enqueueDeployment(mdContainer, callback);
Testing Metadata Deployments
// DeployCallbackContext subclass for testing that returns myJobId
public class TestingDeployCallbackContext extends Metadata.DeployCallbackContext {
private myJobId = null; // define to a canned ID you can use for testing
public override Id getCallbackJobId() {
return myJobId;
Metadata access in Apex is limited to types and components that support the use cases described in Metadata. Apps and packages can use the metadata feature in Apex to retrieve and deploy the following metadata types and components:
Records of custom metadata types
Security Considerations
Three features of Apex Metadata API safeguard your orgs and data.
Restrictions on the types of metadata that can be created or modified.
To ensure security, Salesforce restricts the types of metadata that can be created or modified with Apex Metadata API. The initial release of Apex Metadata API allows you to work with two metadata types: page layouts and records of custom metadata types. This careful approach to supporting metadata ensures that installed packages can work only with safe metadata types, which can be modified in predictable ways.
Salesforce also doesn’t allow creating Apex classes, Visualforce pages, or Lightning components via Apex. As you can imagine, if managed packages could write code in a subscriber org, it would be difficult for Salesforce to enforce security for the package. In addition, to ensure that installed apps only modify metadata types in predictable ways, Salesforce doesn’t support automated code generation.
Restrictions on the apps that can deploy changes.
In addition to restricting the types of metadata that can be created or modified, Salesforce limits which packages can deploy metadata via Apex. Apex Metadata API can execute deployments in only three scenarios:
From certified managed packages that are provided by known, registered ISVs.
From uncertified managed packages, but only if the subscriber org enables a specific Apex setting, which we discuss shortly.
From unmanaged packages, which means that the code is owned by the org that executes it.
Detailed audit histories that track metadata changes.
You can verify the behavior of managed packages in the Setup audit trail log.
All metadata operations that use the Apex Metadata API are tracked in the log. The namespace of the code performing the deployment is recorded, which means that you always know which namespace made changes, and when the changes were made. The Setup audit trail log is located under Setup | View Setup Audit Trail.
Introducing Apex Metadata API: Developerforce article announcement
Apex Metadata API: Official Documentation
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